KC Graham

KC Graham is an active pianist with a wide range of experience in both performing and teaching. He began to learn how to play the piano when he was seven years old. KC has won numerous competitions and scholarships including first prize in the Stephen Imbler Piano competition, first prize from the Arlington Arts League, and winner of both the Wichita State Concerto-Aria Competition and the UTA Concerto Competition. He has a wide range of performance experience including solo recitals, concerto soloist, chamber musician, orchestra pianist, accompanist, and even playing keyboard in a variety band.

In addition to being an active performer, KC is a passionate piano instructor. After 10+ years of teaching professionally, he has gained extensive experience teaching young children, adolescents, and retired adults, and is comfortable teaching beginning fundamentals through college level repertoire. As a late blooming pianist himself, KC is known for his patience and empathy for his students. His teaching received first place for the Wichita Metropolitan Music Teachers Association pedagogy award. KC’s teaching style is both motivating and practical, being adaptive to every student’s needs. He believes that music lessons are for everyone, and with inspiring instruction grounded in sound educational principles everyone can learn to enjoy their music lessons.

Alex Pack

Alex Pack is a passionate and experienced piano instructor who has been teaching students of all ages and various levels for several years. With a background in classical piano performance and pedagogy, Alex believes that music is an essential part of life and strives to instill this love of music in all of his students.

He began playing piano and percussion at a young age, then quickly fell in love with the feeling of music as well as making beautiful sounds and moods. He pursued the passion for music by earning a bachelor’s degree in Piano Performance from Wichita State University and went on to obtain a Master of Music with a concentration in Piano Pedagogy.

As a private piano instructor, Alex focuses on tailoring his teaching to each individual student’s needs and goals. He believes that discovery, exploration, and imagination are paramount and approaches each lesson committed to sparking a student’s creativity and making music a fun experience. Whether a student is a beginner or a seasoned musician he works to create a positive and supportive environment and his lessons cover a range of topics including technique, theory, sight-reading, repertoire, and collaborative playing while helping students to become independent learners and lifelong musicians.

In addition to teaching Alex is an active performer, regularly playing with large ensembles and collaborating with other musicians. He has played with the Wichita State Symphony Orchestra, the Enid Symphony, the Wichita State Wind Ensemble, Impulse Percussion Group and more. He believes that staying engaged in the performance world is important to keep his teaching fresh and exciting for students. He also works to pass on the belief that performing and collaborating are important skills for all musicians. Alex also actively attends conferences and workshops to further his education and teaching abilities.

No matter if you’re a beginner or advancing pianist, Alex is a knowledgeable and dedicated piano instructor who looks forward to working with you.